Get to Know Jesus

 Get to Know Jesus
Posted on 7 November, 2023

Everything that you want or desire is nothing compared to knowing Jesus personally and intimately.

The value of knowing Jesus is worth more than everything you can imagine put together.

He is the way to living your best life and achieving your biggest dreams.

It's wildddddd , I know!!!!

The earth is the lord , everything and everyone belongs to Him including you and I. Without Him, it will all be pointless.   

Here is my story: I would depend on my own efforts but I realised I can only go so far. I was happy in some areas of my life and in others I was a complete mess, depressed, hopeless with no sense of direction and meaning. And if I achieved my goal it was stressful. I would even read self help books and even that became too much work. Some of you know what i am talking about . If you know , you know.

But whenever I would depend on God, spend more time feeding on His words I noticed I achieved more without even realising. I dreamt bigger. I became more joyful and energetic. Even when situation looked chaotic I was hopeful and somehow it worked out for good. I made less mistakes . I got better at overlooking people’s offence with ease.I found myself saying the right words and giving the right clap backs , being in the right place at the right time. I thrived and am still thriving in every way . My dreams came alive . I came alive. I wanted to get up and do more. Glory to God.

Get your self a daily devotional with bible scripture and reflection that will help bring God’s word to life. I use the Joseph Prince free daily messages on both their app and online.

Download their app or Check it out:

With my planner , you will get daily prompt to help you spend time on the daily devotional and feed on it , at the beginning of your day , during your lunch break yes and at night.

For every planner you get, 5% will go towards two charities close to my heart : Barnabas fund and Open doors, to support our brothers and sisters around the world who are being persecuted unjustly for following Jesus.

If you are ready to choose Jesus, then claim Him as your God via whom you have been forgiven of all wrongs.

If you are ready, then what are we waiting for!!! Let’s get connected, click here

I am read y to help you take your first baby steps.

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