Say goodbye to the annoyance and discomfort caused by earwax buildup with our Wax Removal service. Our skilled professionals use gentle and effective methods to safely remove excess earwax, restoring your hearing clarity and comfort. Whether you're experiencing earwax-related symptoms such as hearing loss, tinnitus, or earache, we have the expertise and tools to provide relief. You can count on our expertise to ensure a comfortable and pain-free wax removal experience, leaving your ears clean and your hearing at its best.
1. 30 mins. appointment.
2. Full Ear health check.
3. A short set of clinical questions to better understand the current health status of your ears.
4. Consent form to be signed
5.Talk through the process
6. Free unlimited follow up appointment.
7. Before and after care.
Microsuction, using vacuum to gently remove wax. Its the gold standard set for this service.
Complete your information and get a free hearing and ear wax removal consultation with our experts to find out how you can hear 100% better after your first appointment.